Google Open Call Android ADKの審査を通りました


Hello Round II Participants--

Congratulations!  After careful consideration and submission review by our expert judges, your projects have been identified as the top entries for your region.  You will have until the Tokyo GDD on November 1 to execute your submitted project plan.  An Android ADK will be sent to the mailing address you provided on the submission form.  Please let us know as soon as possible if your address has changed.  ADKs should be received no later than EOW next week, 8/12.  The ADKs will be arriving at your mailing address from the Google Japan team, so please keep a look out.  

1. August 1: Top participants notified
2. August 12 (tentative): Participants receive Android ADKs to execute project plans
3. November 1: Participants bring their projects for showcase to GDD Japan

1. Google will not subsidize travel to GDD.  You will be given a ticket to GDD Japan, but will not be provided a stipend for transportation to the event.
2. Google will not subsidize project costs.  We will provide you with an ADK, and you are responsible for covering all additional expenses needed to execute your project. 

Congratulations, again, and please ensure that you can receive emails from for further updates.


RoundIIで提出したTechnical Briefはコチラ →